
Submitting feedback

  • If you want to give feedback, report a problem, or contact us for some other reason, you can visit our online contact page or use the in-app facility. If you prefer the latter, open the container app, select Feedback, choose a subject from among the set of alternatives, fill the form and tap Send in the upper right corner of the form.
    Note: We can currently process only messages in English.
  • Reporting a problem
    Before submitting a problem report, please make sure, that you have updated the StoneKey keyboard app to the latest version. Also, check the list of known issues, which may already contain a solution for your issue. Note, that in order to make bug fixing possible in the shorter term, you should provide the most detailed description of the problem's context, including, at least, the model of your device, iOS version, and the StoneKey keyboard app's version. (If you fill in the feedback form within the app, that information is automatically added to the body of the message.) Besides that, you should describe your observations regarding the steps required to reproduce it.